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Bucket - it is the basic attachment of telehandlers, wheel loaders, excavators, and tractors. Its primary purpose is optimization of work in agriculture, construction, and utility industry. You can buy a multifunctional bucket or a corresponding modification, according to the specific features of the work. Pack-Trade company offers a wide range of buckets. In our company you can buy attachment for any kind of special machinery, regardless of the scope of application.

Special-purpose and universal types of buckets
Depending on the size, purpose and materials, excavator bucket or other attachment can have a wide variety of modifications. The basic configuration of loaders and excavators usually includes a standard bucket, the capacity of which is usually insufficient. One of the advantages of Pack-Trade attachments is its versatility: models can be used for both seasonal and regular work; both in construction and in agriculture. 

Basic (standard) buckets. Are used in excavation work, for loading, transporting and unloading bulk materials, building materials, gravel, grain, etc.

Ковш JCB основной 

General purpose buckets for loader. The main features are reinforced triangular body and a cutting edge made of high-strength steel. It is used for heavy earthworks with such materials as sod, chalk, shale, limestone, as well as frozen and soils containing stones. Additionally equipped with edging and removable protectors against wear.

Ковш профессиональный

Ковш профессиональный А. ТОМ

Grading bucket. Has a rectangular design with a central rib and a cutting edge. Could be tilted. The excavator's grading bucket is used for the formation of ditches, earth fortifications, cleaning and deepening of drainage ditches, etc.

Планировочный ковш на экскаватор

Rock bucket. Is irreplaceable on hard, rocky ground, in areas with solid rock and abrasives. Such equipment is used in quarries, for digging pits, with heavy soils, abrasives, stony impurities: basalt, granite and other rocks.

ковш скальный

Clamshell bucket. Is used for lifting and loading bulk materials, as well as for extracting soils from deep ditches. Equipped with powerful hydraulics and securely fix the load in the jaws.

Грейферный ковш

Grain bucket. A functional solution for crop and livestock farms, elevators, warehouses. Its weight is comparatively lighter than standard equipment.

Зерновой ковш

Bucket for screening stone, sand from debris. Rootcrop bucket has a similar design, which reduces the level of contamination during the collection process. 

Ковш корзина для камня

Side dump bucket. Such a bucket is worth buying for work in a warehouse, transportation of sand, earth, snow, ice, garbage. Equipped with hydraulics, it easily lifts and throws material into trailers and high-sided trucks.

Ковш откидной на погрузчик

Ковш откидной для погрузчика

General purpose bucket. A special solution for skid steer loader, which has installation holes for tines, edges, hydraulic grabs, road brushes, and therefore can be used both for excavation work and for transporting loads.

Ковш строительный для мини-погрузчика

Hi-Tip. Wheel loader bucket designed for handling bulky goods at a considerable height. The unloading mechanism allows to increase the height of the bucket working radius.

Ковш хай тип (Hi-Tip)

Silage bucket. Agricultural attachments for hay, straw, silage, which can be equipped with a grab or cutter. Makes a uniform cut of feed without damaging the density. Bucket has wide opening angle that allows to pick up the feed near the wall.

Ковш для силоса с захватом

Ковш с фрезой для силоса

Compost bucket. Used for cleaning livestock farms. Designed for working with silage, garbage, manure. Equipped with a grab, and adjustable side walls for moving logs, fittings, etc.

Ковш для компоста с захватом 

Bag filler shovel. This bucket combines the functionality of two different types of equipment working in a complex - a bucket and a stationary dosing unit. Filling of large bags is made with the participation of only one operator.

Наполнитель для биг бегов

Mixer bucket. Attachment for municipal, construction, agricultural machinery for creating uniform concrete grout, as well as fertilizers and compound feed. Ready-made mixtures can be immediately transported in the bucket.

Ковш смесительный (бетономешалка)

Multifunctional bucket. Innovative attachment, consisting of moving part, driven by a hydraulic cylinder, and the bucket. Combines the features of dozer blade, grab, and a standard bucket. Additionally, it can be equipped with a replaceable knife.





Where to buy an excavator bucket?
Pack-Trade company offers excavator buckets of various widths and purposes: from digging trenches to cleaning reservoirs. Our advantages are:

  • high-quality attachment, confirmed by certificates;
  • durability regardless of operating conditions;
  • opportunity to buy a bucket for the specific needs of the industry;
  • adaptation of attachment to special machinery;
  • a wide range of ready-made attachments that we can ship today;
  • best prices;
  • service and support.

With a bucket, you significantly expand the capabilities of special machinery and increase its capabilities on the working site. In our catalog you will find buckets for skid steer loader, tractor, telehandler and wheel loader.

Loader bucket: types and characteristics
Excavator buckets ⭐ Manufacturer's price ⏩ Consultation service

Bucket - it is the basic attachment of telehandlers, wheel loaders, excavators, and tractors. Its primary purpose is optimization of work in agriculture, construction, and utility industry. You can buy a multifunctional bucket or a corresponding modification, according to the specific features of the work. Pack-Trade company offers a wide range of buckets. In our company you can buy attachment for any kind of special machinery, regardless of the scope of application.

Special-purpose and universal types of buckets
Depending on the size, purpose and materials, excavator bucket or other attachment can have a wide variety of modifications. The basic configuration of loaders and excavators usually includes a standard bucket, the capacity of which is usually insufficient. One of the advantages of Pack-Trade attachments is its versatility: models can be used for both seasonal and regular work; both in construction and in agriculture. 

Basic (standard) buckets. Are used in excavation work, for loading, transporting and unloading bulk materials, building materials, gravel, grain, etc.

Ковш JCB основной 

General purpose buckets for loader. The main features are reinforced triangular body and a cutting edge made of high-strength steel. It is used for heavy earthworks with such materials as sod, chalk, shale, limestone, as well as frozen and soils containing stones. Additionally equipped with edging and removable protectors against wear.

Ковш профессиональный

Ковш профессиональный А. ТОМ

Grading bucket. Has a rectangular design with a central rib and a cutting edge. Could be tilted. The excavator's grading bucket is used for the formation of ditches, earth fortifications, cleaning and deepening of drainage ditches, etc.

Планировочный ковш на экскаватор

Rock bucket. Is irreplaceable on hard, rocky ground, in areas with solid rock and abrasives. Such equipment is used in quarries, for digging pits, with heavy soils, abrasives, stony impurities: basalt, granite and other rocks.

ковш скальный

Clamshell bucket. Is used for lifting and loading bulk materials, as well as for extracting soils from deep ditches. Equipped with powerful hydraulics and securely fix the load in the jaws.

Грейферный ковш

Grain bucket. A functional solution for crop and livestock farms, elevators, warehouses. Its weight is comparatively lighter than standard equipment.

Зерновой ковш

Bucket for screening stone, sand from debris. Rootcrop bucket has a similar design, which reduces the level of contamination during the collection process. 

Ковш корзина для камня

Side dump bucket. Such a bucket is worth buying for work in a warehouse, transportation of sand, earth, snow, ice, garbage. Equipped with hydraulics, it easily lifts and throws material into trailers and high-sided trucks.

Ковш откидной на погрузчик

Ковш откидной для погрузчика

General purpose bucket. A special solution for skid steer loader, which has installation holes for tines, edges, hydraulic grabs, road brushes, and therefore can be used both for excavation work and for transporting loads.

Ковш строительный для мини-погрузчика

Hi-Tip. Wheel loader bucket designed for handling bulky goods at a considerable height. The unloading mechanism allows to increase the height of the bucket working radius.

Ковш хай тип (Hi-Tip)

Silage bucket. Agricultural attachments for hay, straw, silage, which can be equipped with a grab or cutter. Makes a uniform cut of feed without damaging the density. Bucket has wide opening angle that allows to pick up the feed near the wall.

Ковш для силоса с захватом

Ковш с фрезой для силоса

Compost bucket. Used for cleaning livestock farms. Designed for working with silage, garbage, manure. Equipped with a grab, and adjustable side walls for moving logs, fittings, etc.

Ковш для компоста с захватом 

Bag filler shovel. This bucket combines the functionality of two different types of equipment working in a complex - a bucket and a stationary dosing unit. Filling of large bags is made with the participation of only one operator.

Наполнитель для биг бегов

Mixer bucket. Attachment for municipal, construction, agricultural machinery for creating uniform concrete grout, as well as fertilizers and compound feed. Ready-made mixtures can be immediately transported in the bucket.

Ковш смесительный (бетономешалка)

Multifunctional bucket. Innovative attachment, consisting of moving part, driven by a hydraulic cylinder, and the bucket. Combines the features of dozer blade, grab, and a standard bucket. Additionally, it can be equipped with a replaceable knife.





Where to buy an excavator bucket?
Pack-Trade company offers excavator buckets of various widths and purposes: from digging trenches to cleaning reservoirs. Our advantages are:

  • high-quality attachment, confirmed by certificates;
  • durability regardless of operating conditions;
  • opportunity to buy a bucket for the specific needs of the industry;
  • adaptation of attachment to special machinery;
  • a wide range of ready-made attachments that we can ship today;
  • best prices;
  • service and support.

With a bucket, you significantly expand the capabilities of special machinery and increase its capabilities on the working site. In our catalog you will find buckets for skid steer loader, tractor, telehandler and wheel loader.