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If you have been planning to upgrade your agricultural attachments, you have a good possibility to do it right now! Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers № 130 and № 86 provide the compensation for equipment purchased from domestic agricultural manufacturers in the amount of - 40% of its value (excluding value-added tax). If your company relates to the agro-industrial sector, and you are an agricultural manufacturer (according to clause 209.6 of Article 209 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, an agricultural manufacturer is an enterprise whose main activity is the supply of agricultural goods (services) (as defined in clause 2.15 of Article 2 of the Law Ukraine "On State Support to Agriculture of Ukraine") on private or leased assets, as well as on customer-owned conditions, in which the share of the value of agricultural goods/services is at least 75 percent of the value of goods/services supplied during the previous 12 consecutive reporting tax periods cumulatively), you can use this offer by purchasing the products of "A.TOM brand (FOP Tomchuk A.M.).

Partial compensation of agricultural equipment cost: how does it work?

To take part in a government program and use its benefits, you must complete the following steps:

1. Become familiar with the official list of machinery and equipment that are included in the state compensation program.

2. Become familiar with the product range of "A.TOM" trademark (FOP Tomchuk A.M), which is covered by the state compensation program, on the website "Pack-Trade" and choose the equipment for your enterprise.

3. Pay the total cost of the equipment using the services of an authorized Bank.

4. Submit an application and relevant documents that confirm the fact of purchasing the equipment of "A.TOM" trademark (FOP Tomchuk A.M.) to the Bank.

The Bank subsequently transfers information on the amount of partial compensation to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in turn, transfers funds to the Bank, and the Bank - to the account of compensation candidate. Authorized banks form a register of agricultural manufacturers who have purchased equipment, and submit it in electronic and paper form to the Ministry of Economy monthly until the 10th day.

Necessary documents

According to paragraph 11 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130 "On approval of the usage of funds provided in the state budget for partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production", in order to receive partial compensation, agricultural manufacturers submit to the authorized bank applications and supporting documents about the purchase, in particular:

  • A copy of the payment order or other payment document that confirms the payment.
  • Equipment transfer and acceptance act.
  • Certificate of equipment registration (if the equipment is subject to mandatory state or official registration).

In addition to the above documents, the agricultural manufacturer is tested according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130 "On approval of the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production."

What are the general requirements for candidates and restrictions?

Program participants must:

1.Not to have initiated bankruptcy proceedings, not to be bankrupt, not to be in the process of liquidation.

2.Not to have more than six months arrears, control over the collection of which is entrusted to the state tax service.

A.TOM equipment that is covered by the compensation program

"Pack-Trade" company (FOP Tomchuk A. M.) offers attachments of the Ukrainian manufacturer "A.TOM", which has proved itself both in the Ukrainian agricultural realities and at foreign agricultural complexes. Compensation up to 40% extended to the following equipment:

  1. Bucket A.TOM 2.5 m3 (grain)
  2. Bucket A.TOM 1 m3
  3. Bucket A.TOM 1.5 m3
  4. Bucket A.TOM 2 m3
  5. Bucket A.TOM 2.7 m3
  6. Multifunctional bucket (4in1)
  7. Bag Filler shovel
  8. Compost grab bucket 
  9. Silage cutter
  10. Bale grab 1900
  11. Grab for square bales, hydraulic (2 bales)
  12. Grab for square bales, hydraulic (3 bales)
  13. Haylage Fork and Grab
  14. Stump puller for telehandlers
  15. Tree puller
  16. Silage blade heavy-duty
  17. Silage blade hydraulic
  18. Snow plow 3-position (3.0 m width)
  19. Snow plow 5-position (3.0 m width)
  20. Fold-out silage spikes 4 m
  21. Fold-out silage spikes 4.5 m
  22. Silage compactor with shifting 3 m
  23. Silage compactor 3 m
  24. Shear grab 1.6 m
  25. Shear grab with 4 hydraulic cylinders
  26. Compost turner (with barrel) 3 m
  27. Compost turner 3.3 m
  28. Slurry mixing pump 9.5 m
  29. Slurry mixing pump 10.5 m
  30. Slurry mixing pump 15 m
  31. Circular saw
  32. Road-sweeping brush
  33. Road-sweeping brush (with tank)
  34. Road sweeping brush (without tank).

For detailed information, please follow the links:

Official site of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

Official site of the Information and analytical portal of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130.

Compensation for A.TOM attachments up to 40%!
"Paсk-Trade" has been officially involved in the state compensation program

If you have been planning to upgrade your agricultural attachments, you have a good possibility to do it right now! Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers № 130 and № 86 provide the compensation for equipment purchased from domestic agricultural manufacturers in the amount of - 40% of its value (excluding value-added tax). If your company relates to the agro-industrial sector, and you are an agricultural manufacturer (according to clause 209.6 of Article 209 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, an agricultural manufacturer is an enterprise whose main activity is the supply of agricultural goods (services) (as defined in clause 2.15 of Article 2 of the Law Ukraine "On State Support to Agriculture of Ukraine") on private or leased assets, as well as on customer-owned conditions, in which the share of the value of agricultural goods/services is at least 75 percent of the value of goods/services supplied during the previous 12 consecutive reporting tax periods cumulatively), you can use this offer by purchasing the products of "A.TOM brand (FOP Tomchuk A.M.).

Partial compensation of agricultural equipment cost: how does it work?

To take part in a government program and use its benefits, you must complete the following steps:

1. Become familiar with the official list of machinery and equipment that are included in the state compensation program.

2. Become familiar with the product range of "A.TOM" trademark (FOP Tomchuk A.M), which is covered by the state compensation program, on the website "Pack-Trade" and choose the equipment for your enterprise.

3. Pay the total cost of the equipment using the services of an authorized Bank.

4. Submit an application and relevant documents that confirm the fact of purchasing the equipment of "A.TOM" trademark (FOP Tomchuk A.M.) to the Bank.

The Bank subsequently transfers information on the amount of partial compensation to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in turn, transfers funds to the Bank, and the Bank - to the account of compensation candidate. Authorized banks form a register of agricultural manufacturers who have purchased equipment, and submit it in electronic and paper form to the Ministry of Economy monthly until the 10th day.

Necessary documents

According to paragraph 11 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130 "On approval of the usage of funds provided in the state budget for partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production", in order to receive partial compensation, agricultural manufacturers submit to the authorized bank applications and supporting documents about the purchase, in particular:

  • A copy of the payment order or other payment document that confirms the payment.
  • Equipment transfer and acceptance act.
  • Certificate of equipment registration (if the equipment is subject to mandatory state or official registration).

In addition to the above documents, the agricultural manufacturer is tested according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130 "On approval of the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for partial compensation of the cost of agricultural machinery and equipment of domestic production."

What are the general requirements for candidates and restrictions?

Program participants must:

1.Not to have initiated bankruptcy proceedings, not to be bankrupt, not to be in the process of liquidation.

2.Not to have more than six months arrears, control over the collection of which is entrusted to the state tax service.

A.TOM equipment that is covered by the compensation program

"Pack-Trade" company (FOP Tomchuk A. M.) offers attachments of the Ukrainian manufacturer "A.TOM", which has proved itself both in the Ukrainian agricultural realities and at foreign agricultural complexes. Compensation up to 40% extended to the following equipment:

  1. Bucket A.TOM 2.5 m3 (grain)
  2. Bucket A.TOM 1 m3
  3. Bucket A.TOM 1.5 m3
  4. Bucket A.TOM 2 m3
  5. Bucket A.TOM 2.7 m3
  6. Multifunctional bucket (4in1)
  7. Bag Filler shovel
  8. Compost grab bucket 
  9. Silage cutter
  10. Bale grab 1900
  11. Grab for square bales, hydraulic (2 bales)
  12. Grab for square bales, hydraulic (3 bales)
  13. Haylage Fork and Grab
  14. Stump puller for telehandlers
  15. Tree puller
  16. Silage blade heavy-duty
  17. Silage blade hydraulic
  18. Snow plow 3-position (3.0 m width)
  19. Snow plow 5-position (3.0 m width)
  20. Fold-out silage spikes 4 m
  21. Fold-out silage spikes 4.5 m
  22. Silage compactor with shifting 3 m
  23. Silage compactor 3 m
  24. Shear grab 1.6 m
  25. Shear grab with 4 hydraulic cylinders
  26. Compost turner (with barrel) 3 m
  27. Compost turner 3.3 m
  28. Slurry mixing pump 9.5 m
  29. Slurry mixing pump 10.5 m
  30. Slurry mixing pump 15 m
  31. Circular saw
  32. Road-sweeping brush
  33. Road-sweeping brush (with tank)
  34. Road sweeping brush (without tank).

For detailed information, please follow the links:

Official site of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

Official site of the Information and analytical portal of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 1, 2017, No. 130.